Sunday, August 28, 2011

New Teacher Advice Linky Party

It has been a while since I linked up, but I found a new party about New Teacher Advice that I wanted to join at

For the past 2 years, I have run my classroom with the help of a timer.  I live and die by the timer and my students know it after the first week of school.
I bought it at Wal-Mart for about $5.00 and it been worth it!  It's also magnetic which is a double plus because I can keep it attached to my white board and not lose it.  One of my students asked me this week,"Mrs. Johnstone, why do you live and die by the timer?" My list of answers to her was something like this:
  1. Studnets know exactly how long they have to do something.
  2. I can talk forever and love to talk, so it keeps me from running my mouth.
  3. It makes sure that when I am having the students talk about their learning for 2 doesn't run to 5.
  4. It keeps me able to teach Math AND Science... I would totally lose track of time and end up having to cut Science short.
  5. It sets the time for recess and I don't have to worry about bringing my phone since I always forget to wear a watch.
  6. It BEEPS!!!! Super signal that students' time is done and time to move on.
LOVE my timer.... if I lost it.... I would run to the store during conference to get another one.  I have used mine so much that the labels on the buttons has worn off. 

I still wish I had used one in my self contained 3rd grade class.  I could have found the time to do S.S more often if I had I think.

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